Coup in the Homeland
The events on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas changed the United States of America forever. Many thinking Americans discounted the official report from the Warren Commission, and searching for the truth has become a cottage industry. We are providing an overview of the people, organizations and times to give a better idea of what happened. There are several theories but the only thing that is certain is that the sanitized Warren Commission report missed a great deal... by design.
The Newscast Heard Round the World
Who Wanted the President Gone?
Federal Reserve – Kennedy wanted to take money printing away from the Federal Reserve and bring it back to the government run mint.
Cuban-exiles – Wanted to remove Fidel Castro form power over their homeland and felt betrayed when the Bay of Pigs invasion failed and some of their fellow Cubans died because Kennedy withheld the air support of the operation.
Texas Oil Men – The President sought to end or at least reduce the oil depletion allowance that saved them millions in taxes.
Organized Crime – The President's father, Joseph Kennedy, who made numerous connections during prohibition called on some of these, like Sam Giancana in Chicago and Santo Trafficante in Tampa to help get John elected. To their dismay they found the President's brother, the Attorney General, executing an all out war on organized crime. While Marcello did not support Kennedy, he did have his brother all over his crime organization.
Defense Contractors - Wars can be extremely profitable if you are not the one getting killed, and they saw an opportunity in Vietnam.
Joint Chiefs of Staff - thought he was weak on communism when he rejected their Project Northwoods to set up red flag events to use as an excuse to invade Cuba. They also wanted greater involvement in Vietnam.
CIA – Because of the Bay of Pigs fiasco, Kennedy believed the CIA was out of control, running their own foreign policies, such as seeking to escalate the advisory action in Vietnam, while he was looking at withdrawing American soldiers, he vowed to break up the organization, and was in the process of generating the executive order to do just that at the time of his death.
Lyndon Johnson – Kennedy's amoral Vice President who hated the young, rich guy in the White House and who lusted after power. He had connections to all the others with the common interest.
Deep state then... deep state now.
Memories of a High School Senior
Like most everyone who was around on November 22, 1963 I have vivid memories of that day. I was in a senior math class being taught by a student teacher named Craig Svanos. Midway through the period someone stuck their head in the door with the message “Kennedy's been shot”.
This brought all math discussions to an abrupt stop and we could see the concerned look on Mr Svanos face. After a few moments he explained that he was in the National Guard and since we had no idea of what was going on he was concerned he might be called to active duty before he could finish this teaching assignment.
Vietnam was in its early stages and our high school days had only a few months remaining. As it turned out this was particularly bad news for some in our class. Without further word, I was thinking this did not look good for the young president. I did not follow him in any way, but this is not the way we did things in America. You just don't go and shoot someone because you have political differences... or a lust for power... how wrong I was.
I was aware of what they called the twenty year curse on US presidents who had died in office after elections all the way back to 1840.
1840 Wm Henry Harrison
1860 Abraham Lincoln
1880 James Garfield
1900 William McKinley
1920 Warren Harding
1940 Franklin Roosevelt
1960 John F Kennedy
Some were assassinated and some suffered ill health, but whether it was during that term or the next, none left office alive. Because of this I didn't really expect any good news coming out of Dallas. In this, my expectations were met.
We all heard the story of a disaffected former Marine using an inexpensive war surplus rifle doing some amazing shooting, through a screen of tree branches at times, to take out the leader of the free world. As high school kids we didn't know any better and neither did the rest of the country.
Most events were canceled out of respect for the president but this was the last night of our senior play – and the show went on. We had almost the entire restaurant to ourselves afterward as apparently few people were out enjoying themselves at ten o'clock that night.
My first hint came Sunday afternoon as I was washing my car in one of the bays of a neighborhood gas station. One of my friends stopped in with the news: “Somebody just shot Oswald”. We got the government sanctioned news reports about another lone nut named Jack Ruby. Something just didn't feel right – and it wasn't.
Our Approach to the Material
Thanks to the work of many others who began looking into this long before I did, a story began to emerge that showed us that while Americans are usually the good guys, there were people who inserted themselves into positions of power who were definitely not the good guys. This is a painful admission, but the facts are there and they must be faced.
Books have been written that go into great detail about even the smallest segments of the story. One is the story of Victoria Adams simply walking down the steps of the Texas School Book Depository. Why is this simple act important – because it destroys the timeline of the official account.
The purpose of this site is to give you a feel for the people involved and the history leading up to the events of the day. The thing to keep in mind is that these were real people, many average people, caught up in the crime of the century. Where possible, we have included videos of the people themselves. We've also included books that can elaborate on any of the information or participant. You may also find our Resources page of value for even more information.
This single event did not take place in a vacuum. There was a great deal of concern about events 90 miles from United States in Cuba and we were in the early days of US involvement in Vietnam with many voices on either side.
Experienced researchers will recognize most of the names yet still find some new nuggets of information. If you are new all this, our site is a great place to begin. There are many threads to follow in order to get the full story... and, yes, a few rabbit holes introduced by some with vivid imaginations. However, until all the information is released to the public we can't be sure of which some of them are.
You can review the names and pursue any aspect that you find interesting. There are people listed who helped lay the foundation for the events in Dallas, people who plotted and schemed to remove a president who threatened their positions and understanding of the world and people who covered up and facilitated the American coup. And... there are many, far too many who lost their lives because they knew too much. There are the good, the bad, the innocent and the evil – really evil – whose suits and ties disguised a malevolence we never expected to see in the USA.
One caveat – many people have admitted to being shooters or have been accused of being shooters – many more than could possibly have been in Dealey Plaza that day. If they had, the Lincoln limousine would have looked like Bonnie and Clyde's bullet riddled ride. However they are all part of the puzzle that we are attempting to assemble more than sixty years after the crime. Some books listed provide background information, others offer alternative theories about what happened. Listing does not mean endorsement but simply more information that the reader can analyze, the accept or reject.